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All·Mix and Light·Mix contain perlite. What are the benefits of perlite for my plants?

Perlite is a uniform material with large porosities on its surface. Its function is to retain moisture in the substrate due to its porosity, and to ensure that the roots have more surface absorption of nutrients.

Perlite is sterile due to its manufacturing process, where the temperature is in the range of 800ºC. It is inorganic, protecting the roots from pests and diseases. It is inert, so it does not react with fertilizer solutions, and it doesn’t form salts. It is insulating, it protects the roots of the plant from temperature changes, acting as a retardant to root heating. In addition, it is lightweight and prevents substrate compacting.

How and how many times can I reuse All·Mix?

Reusing Biobizz substrates depends on the characteristics of the substrate once its main use is finished. If the substrate is very dry or very humid, it may have lost its homogeneity and texture characteristics. But if the substrate maintains good physical characteristics, it can be recycled at least once.

If a little more organic matter is added to the substrate and the second time it is used it maintains its characteristics, it may be used once more, but there is a possibility that the substrate will be used up depending on the needs of the plant.

How to do it? Adding 10% of Worm·Humus to the substrate and a new layer of 5 to 10 cm of fresh All·Mix. There is also the option of mixing it with 5 to 10 cm of Light·Mix and 5% of Pre·Mix.

How and how many times can I reuse Light·Mix?

Reusing Biobizz substrates depends on the characteristics of the substrate once its main use is finished. If the substrate is very dry or very humid, it may have lost its homogeneity and texture characteristics. But if the substrate maintains good physical characteristics, it can be recycled at least once.

If a little more organic matter is added to the substrate and the second time it is used it maintains its characteristics, it may be used once more, but there is a possibility that the substrate will be used up depending on the needs of the plant.

How to do it? Adding a layer of fresh Light·Mix (5-10 cm) plus a small amount of Worm·Humus to re-nourish it with active microorganisms.

How and how many times can I reuse Coco·Mix?

Coco·Mix is an inert substrate. This type of substrates provide a moist space that promotes the development of roots and their proper aeration. Coco·Mix can be reused, but the way to do it depends on the final result we want to achieve.

If we want to recycle the coco fiber, we will have to compost it for 5-15 days to make the roots disappear and treat it with enzymes. This way the remaining organic material will be converted little by little into nutrients that can be assimilated by the plant.

If we want a more rapidly effective substrate, we can sieve the coconut fiber, wash it well and enrich it with Worm·Humus to promote the onset of microbial life.

How can I use Pre·Mix to improve my substrate?

We use Pre·Mix to give a little more strength and organic matter to Light type substrates. We only need 5% of Pre·Mix and we will have a good complement so that this new substrate has organic matter and reinforced levels of NPK.

How can I use Worm·Humus to improve my substrate?

Adding Worm·Humus means adding life. No matter the substrate, adding 10-15% of Worm·Humus helps us create a more vivid substrate or revitalize a substrate that has already been used, so that plants have an environment that is more active and willing to nourish the roots .

How can I combine Coco·Mix with All·Mix and Light·Mix?

There is no definitive combination for mixing coco with substrate. The proportion of each one will depend on the needs of our crop and the physicochemical characteristics that we want to obtain in our substrate. It is important to know that the more Coco·Mix we put in the mix, the more humid our substrate will be, and the more possibility there is of fungal problems and diseases if we do not control the temperature and watering well.

To create a Light substrate, we can mix 55% of Light·Mix and 45% of Coco·Mix. This will be a moist substrate with high water retention capacity. For a more balanced substrate we would recommend putting 70% of All·Mix or Light·Mix and 30% of Coco·Mix. Each professional has their own technique and the mix can be very varied depending on the needs and intentions of the grower.


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